
A JavaScript community in Dunedin, New Zealand

Modern JavaScript: workshop 1

We are starting a series of monthly workshops on modern JavaScript. These are being run as on off-shoot of CodeCraft Dunedin and will usually be the third Tuesday of each month.

These workshops are free and open to all. We intend to cater to a broad range of experience levels.

Some exposure to old-fashioned JavaScript or mainstream intepreted programming
languages such as Python, Ruby, or PHP is a good base entry level.
Knowledge of Git and HTML is also useful but not essential.

The first workshop introduces some of the most important new syntax and how it
can be used to improve long-standing idioms.

November 22, 2016
5:30pm to 7:30pm
Room D101, D block (on Harbour Terrace), Otago Polytechnic

RSVP on Meetup

See workshop content in the DunedinJS/dunedin-modern-javascript repo